Treasure Hunt

Calgary 2025

Step 1: Purchase

After you've purchased your booth space, please use the button below to purchase a treasure hunt location.

Step 2: Complete Form

Once you've purchased a treasure hunt location, you must complete the form found below.

Step 3: Activate

You will receive a confirmation email from Pets Canada to validate your purchase.

Step 4: Signage

We will add your booth to the database and provide you with a sign to display in your booth at the show. 

Treasure Hunt Location

Turn your booth into a must-visit destination in the Pets Canada Industry Show Treasure Hunt! With an X marking your spot, visitors will flock to you as they compete in the exciting treasure hunt app contest! We will provide you with a sign to display in your booth at the show, with your unique QR Code for visitors to scan. Their goal is to scan the most QR codes to be eligible to win the grand prize.

NOTE: There are only 25 locations available for the Calgary show.