For all information and details on our Annual General Meetings, please contact :

Business Tools - Your Canadian Federation of Independant Business Membership

CFIB Member Benefits Link

One of your most powerful membership resources is full access to all benefits offered by the Canadian Federation of Independant Business, CFIB. The agreement between our two organizations provides all our independently owned, Canadian business members with access to thousands of dollars in business tools and resources. Separately this membership would cost on average $700 dollars for many, but Pets Canada provides this free to help ensure you have what you need to succeed.

For all our Pet Industry Statistics, please contact :

The Canadian pet industry moves at a fast and furious pace. This can make it difficult to get the word out about company news and job opportunities. We can help with this and it won't cost you a thing.

Two of our most popular member benefits are our free press release and job posting services. Announcements are posted in our bi-weekly newsbrief, The Voice (3000+ industry readers), and also via our social media channels (7000+ followers) making our news accessible across the entire country.

You can send your formatted press releases or job posting to 

If you're interested in leveraging an even bigger audience use Pets Canada's online business community to hyper-target your digital ad campaigns.

The Canadian Pet Community Awards presented by Pets Canada highlights the work of exceptional Canadian individuals and businesses who are Pets Canada members. These are the people who go the extra mile in educationg their clients and readily offering support, whether it be related to animal well-being, the promotion of responsible pet ownership, products related, customer support or outstanding community involvement.

Click Here to view our Awards

Welcome! Interested in our advocacy work or need help with an issue impacting your business? 

Contact :, our Vice President of Advocacy and Regulatory Affairs, and she will be happy to help.